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Book: Exploring Shinto

Chapter: 17. A Postscript on Shinto Diversity

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.39498


The wide range of subject-matter in Exploring Shinto suggests that this religion is more complex than is sometimes suggested. As several contributions to the book show, it has been deeply embedded in the rich tapestry of Japanese religions and culture. Moreover, the differentiation of “Sect Shinto” in modern times shows that there is also great variety within the family of Shinto. As is firmly explained in the Postscript, it is this internal diversity, rather than any artificial uniformity, that continues to give social resilience to Shinto among the populace of Japan.

Chapter Contributors

  • Michael Pye ([email protected] - mpye) 'Marburg University (Emeritus) and Ōtani University'