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Book: Resistance to Empire and Militarization

Chapter: Index

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.40893


This collection of 21 papers were written by leading and emerging critical scholar/practitioners from religious and non-religious backgrounds who represent three generations of survivors of imperial invasions and genocidal massacres across the globe. They are from the Middle East, East Asia, South Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Pacific and the Caribbean Islands who are renowned for the depth and urgency of their critically self-reflective analyses and their principled ethical and political positions against empire and militarization.

The contributors interrogate the oppressive religious and secular ideologies and mechanisms of the modern empire and its allies and exemplify in particular how militarization has affected various peoples, lands, seas, and skies across the globe. They expose the desecration of lives and the earth by the modern empire and its local allies through various means, ranging from psychological warfare to brute force of advanced technological warfare, leaving an intergenerational impact. The authors have embraced people’s cries against mass killings, starvation, rape, militarized prostitution, torture, forced disappearances, land grab, displacement and the destruction of nature caused by modern warfare, as well as people’s inherent collective aspiration for liberation of their lives and lands that is expressed in many liberative languages of faith as well as in secular humanist strands. They help evoke and sharpen the alternate consciousness amongst peoples in furthering resistance, and in envisioning and building a non-imperialist future for us, for our children, and for the planet earth.

The authors foreground a breadth of modes of resistance and the places where they have been implemented, sharing with the reader their hard-earned knowledge and stories of truth and liberation, with a prophetic urgency.

Chapter Contributors