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Book: Syntax-Prosody in Optimality Theory

Chapter: 11. Stringency Hierarchies in Prosodic Sisterhood: STRONGSTART and EQUALSISTERS

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.41011


Analyses of syntax-prosody mapping rely on notions of purely phonological well- formedness, and yet the constraints defining this well-formedness are not as clearly defined as the mapping constraints, in part because the space of possible prosodic mismatches has not been fully explored. This chapter examines several ways to define the prosodic well-formedness constraints EqualSisters (Myrberg 2013) and StrongStart (Elfner 2012, Bennett, Elfner, McCloskey 2016), and the consequences of these definitions for the predicted typology, with a focus on stringency interactions between them. Results are argued to support the use of categorical, parent-oriented definitions of both EqualSisters and StrongStart.

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