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Book: The Phonetics of Dysarthria

Chapter: 15. The Phonetics of Self Repair in Dysarthria

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.41379


In this chapter we outline the results of our interactional phonetic study. In section 15.2 we introduce the acoustic properties that we found to be common to the interruption point and interregnum of repair sequences. We also discuss the extent to which certain acoustic parameters seem to be used to signal these phases of conversational speech. We then move on to discuss modification repairs in section 15.3, with particular attention being given to those repairs that can be classed as ‘intelligibility repairs’. These repairs will be discussed according to the acoustic features identified in chapter 14; specifically: intensity, duration, frequency, and other articulatory properties of the signal. Acoustic analyses will be supplemented with impressionistic phonetic transcriptions carried out using the IPA where necessary. The extracts are discussed using a system of single case analysis. This is to facilitate consideration of social-interactional information when making claims about the phonetic design of turns in talk.

Chapter Contributors

  • Ioannis Papakyritsis ( - ipapakyritisis) 'University of Patras'
  • Marie Klopfenstein ( - maklopf) 'Southern Illinois University Edwardsville'
  • Ben Rutter ( - brutter) 'University of Sheffield'