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Book: System in Systemic Functional Linguistics

Chapter: Conclusion

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.42518


Each chapter of this book has its own summary, and, to a certain extent, the chapters can be read independently of one another (hence the many cross references). Instead of summarizing the book here, touching on the presentation in the previous chapters on the distinct but related senses of ‘system’ identified in Chapter 1, here I take a step back and try to contextualize, or even recontextualize, ‘system’ in the light of the previous chapters but with additional perspectives that are possible to adopt only at this point.  I begin by viewing axiality, i.e. axial order (paradigmatic vs. syntagmatic) trinocularly. I then suggest an analogy between the distinction between paradigmatic and syntagmatic order and David Bohm’s distinction between implicate and explicate order. Finally, I return to the view of ‘system’ in an ordered typology of systems operating in different phenomenal realms, again noting the connection between SFL and different manifestations of systems thinking – as one possible preamble to future research.

Chapter Contributors

  • Christian Matthiessen ([email protected] - cmatthiessen) 'The Hong Kong Polytechnic University'