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Book: Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age

Chapter: At-Risk Cultural Heritage, Open Communication and Stealth Archaeology

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.42592


This chapter is a meditation on the intersection between at-risk cultural heritage and digital data projects focusing on Egypt's cultural landscapes. It takes a broader perspective than other chapters and is related to the book's theme of community archaeology and critical approaches to heritage preservation. By discussing the loss of lives, built heritage, and cultural landscapes in Egypt both in historic times and after the Arab Spring, this chapter further frames the sense of urgency in preserving sites and archaeological data in the Near East and the importance of digital/cyber archaeology methods and workflows presented in other chapters. It vividly brings home the need to document and protect at-risk cultural heritage and the challenges this presents for archaeologists and other stakeholders. It also makes an important connection between the main theme of at-risk cultural heritage and sharing archaeological data with worldwide and nonā€academic stakeholders, collaborators, and audiences as both an ethical and professional responsibility for contemporary archaeology.

Chapter Contributors

  • Willeke Wendrich ([email protected] - wwendrich) 'University of California, Los Angeles'