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Book: Krishnamacharya on Kundalini

Chapter: The Yogayājñavalkya – Krishnamacharya’s Main Source on Kuṇḍalinī

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.42723


The Yogayājñavalkya was Krishnamacharya’s source text on kuṇḍalinī. This chapter contains the first detailed critical analysis of translations of the Yogayājñavalkya by two of Krishnamacharya’s long-term students: T.K.V. Desikachar (Krishnamacharya’s son) and A.G. Mohan. It argues that these translators misrepresent the Yogayājñavalkya in different ways. Desikachar mistranslated the Yogayājñavalkya by introducing concepts not in the original Sanskrit text, thereby relocating kuṇḍalinī from the navel to the perineum. Mohan changed the original Sanskrit of one verse without informing his readers, conveniently avoiding content that contradicts Krishnamacharya’s position.

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