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Book: The Economy of Deuteronomy's Core

Chapter: 1. Expenses and Incomes

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.43057


Chapter 1 constructs the balance sheet of the typical Deuteronomic farmer on the basis of the transactions mentioned or presupposed in Deuteronomy 12–26: expenses (tithes, firstlings, priestly dues, first-fruits, loses resulting from different weight systems and silver exchange, remission of debts, end of contract gifts, wages, interests), savings (self-consumption of yearly tithes, absence of taxes and fees for palace, temple, judge, diviner, the sale of carrion and interest free loans) and non-agricultural sources of income (interest-bearing loans to foreigners, booty, runaway slaves, self-indentured pledges, war captives and social capital).

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