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Book: Community Archaeology in Israel/Palestine

Chapter: Sebastia: Promoting Community’s Role in Preserving Cultural Heritage in Conflict Areas

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.44984


How to preserve cultural heritage in areas where communities conflict with the control of resources? What are the obstacles to the conservation and enhancement of the rich and varied Palestinian heritage, and what are the opportunities for local communities; social, economic, and cultural growth? How is archaeology used in conflicts to expand control by hegemonic forces to the detriment of local inhabitants? The text explores the conflict case of the cultural heritage of Sebastia, trying to understand its causes, and highlights its strategic importance in building peace and preventing conflicts.

Chapter Contributors

  • Osama Hamdan ([email protected] - ohamdan) 'Al Quds University and the Mosaic Centre, Jericho, Palestine'
  • Carla Benelli ([email protected] - cbenelli) 'ATS Custody of the Holy Land, Italy'