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Applied Phonology and Pronunciation Teaching

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The Applied Phonology and Pronunciation Teaching series seeks to provide a forum for dissemination of knowledge in the area of applied phonology and pronunciation teaching. Proposals are solicited for books in any aspect of applied linguistics or communication focused on phonology or pronunciation teaching, covering such topics as:
 phonological learning in the first language or additional language(s);
 phonological learning in the context of other skills;
 phonology in multilingualism;
 pronunciation teaching, curriculum, and testing;
 pronunciation in workplace contexts;
 pronunciation in forensic linguistics;
 phonology in discourse;
 pronunciation and gesture;
 the contribution of pronunciation to speaker impact;
 phonology and identity;
 phonology and literacy;
 pronunciation as a component of other language skills;
 phonological aspects of lexical and grammatical learning;
 technologies for researching and teaching phonetics, phonology, and pronunciation.

The series aims to provide information and stimulate conversations that can advance knowledge, understanding, and good practice in any of the areas of applied phonology and pronunciation teaching. Proposals will be welcomed that focus on theory, research, and/or practice, and may be written as relatively brief practical handbooks, textbooks, teacher reference books, or as books presenting original research or critically reviewing research, theory, and/or practice.
Send ideas or proposals for the series to the series editor at [email protected]. A proposal should include:
 name, professional title, affiliation, email, and postal address of author(s)
 a summary of the background and qualifications of the author(s) relevant to the proposed book
 a provisional title for the book
 a description of the conception and plan for the book
 the intended primary audience and any other potential audiences
 a provisional table of contents
 a projected approximate word count
 a timeline and plan for completion of the book
 a description of any competitive works, what is different and unique about your work, and its specific appeal to readers
 CV of author(s)