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Book: Ancient Cookware from the Levant

Chapter: 14. Neolithic and Chalcolithic Cookware

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.23855


Round and even flat-bottomed jars with holemouth rims and soot on their bases were used for cooking. They likely were not the earliest cookware in the Levant. The first Neolithic examples have probably not survived. If early cooking pots were fabricated from clay bodies without calcite and low fired, they were unable to resist repeated thermal stress and their likelihood to survive was in jeopardy. In contrast, baking trays were thick enough to survive although they are highly fragmented and in poor condition. Spouted vessels were used to milk goats and to distill or process foodstuffs. Chalcolithic-era churns are clearly associated with processing dairy foods.

Chapter Contributors

  • Gloria London ( - glondon) 'Independent Scholar'