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Book: Digital L2 Writing Literacies

Chapter: Digital Literacies: Definitions, Theoretical and Pedagogical Frameworks

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.34286


Chapter 1 focuses on the challenges that L2 writing faces in the 21st century and discusses the implications of emerging digital literacies that become apparent in the interaction of tools and modes in the process of text creation. After defining the notion and function of digital literacies in the L2 writing context, the authors consider some of the challenges posed by the qualitative changes that social tools bring to the writing process. Contemporary notions of digital literacies and how they relate to emerging digital genres are reviewed, and the relevance of social tools in L2 writing and the need to recognize their distinct affordances are highlighted. The authors then present theoretical and pedagogical frameworks that can help L2 researchers and educators develop robust research and instructional practices in the area of digital literacies for writing.

Chapter Contributors

  • Ana Oskoz ( - aoskoz) 'University of Maryland Baltimore County'
  • Idoia Elola ( - ielola) 'Texas Tech University'