Item Details

Qur’ānic Constitutionalism and Moral Governmentality: Further Notes on the Founding Principles of Islamic Society and Polity

Issue: Vol 8 No. 1-2 (2012)

Journal: Comparative Islamic Studies

Subject Areas: Religious Studies Islamic Studies

DOI: 10.1558/cis.v8i1-2.1


A sequel to earlier publications on the subject, this article argues that the Qur’ān not only saw itself and was seen as exclusively authorized to adjudicate matters in the social realm but also that it was directly responsible for the origination of constitutive epistemic and political structures in the Sharī‘a. Specifically, through a study of certain paradigmatic concepts, it attempts to show that the Qur’ān laid the foundations for three constitutive features of the Sharī‘a, namely, (1) its constitutional organization and the practice of the rule of law; (2) its landmark features of jurists’ law and ijtihādic apparatus; and (3) its moral governmentality.

Author: Wael B Hallaq

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