Gendered choices: codeswitching and collaboration in a bilingual classroom
Issue: Vol 3 No. 2 (2009)
Journal: Gender and Language
Subject Areas: Gender Studies Linguistics
This paper examines the use of Spanish and English, as well as collaborative discourse sequences, of four fourth graders in a bilingual classroom in terms of how they are used to construct gender identity. The analysis shows how language practices can become gendered through both societal and interactional norms and practices. The two girls’ use of English to construct their identities as best friends becomes part of the construction of femininity through the influence of both macro-social gender roles and the girls’ own linguistic repertoires and behavior in this community of practice. Further, both boys and girls use collaborative speech, but their aims of collaboration differ in ways that draw on hegemonic masculine roles in society as well as the personal agendas of the speakers.
Author: Janet M. Fuller