Item Details

Language analysis and contra-expertise in the Dutch asylum procedure

Issue: Vol 17 No. 2 (2010)

Journal: International Journal of Speech Language and the Law

Subject Areas: Linguistics

DOI: 10.1558/ijsll.v17i2.279


Language analysis is used by Immigration authorities in various European countries, in cases where asylum seekers cannot produce valid identification documents, and, in addition, the Immigration authorities see reason to doubt the claimed origin of the asylum seeker. Language analysis is then carried out to determine the areal or ethnic origin of the asylum seeker, through an evaluation of the language profile and accent of the asylum seeker. To this end, an interview with the asylum seeker is recorded and analysed. The results of this evaluation are reported in a document entitled Language Analysis Report (LAR). This kind of analysis has received some limited academic attention so far and is generally referred to as LADO. This paper presents the working method of one agency and present some of the differences that arise among experts working in this field.

Author: Maaike Verrips

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