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Text Type and Texture

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Texture – the quality that makes a text ‘hang together’ as a text – is a key focus of investigation in discourse analysis. This volume provides a systematic overview of recent research on textual resources that are used to construct texture, and on the ways in which these resources are deployed differently in different text types. Theme is the major resource that is explored in the first part of the book. The opening papers set out the current understanding of Theme and explore aspects of the concept which remain controversial in the field. This is followed by an examination of thematic choices in a range of text types. Issues raised include the different kinds of meanings appearing in Theme which are particularly significant for each genre, the ways in which these relate to the broader socio-cultural context, and the ways in which thematic choices interact with other kinds of texturing. In the second part of the collection, the scope widens to include an examination of other resources, particularly the contribution to texture made by patterns of interpersonal choices, in Theme and more broadly across texts as a whole. The volume closes with an overview and illustration of a methodological approach by which our understanding of texturing can be further extended.

Published: Feb 1, 2009


Section Chapter Authors
Preface Gail Forey, Geoff Thompson †
Acknowledgements Gail Forey, Geoff Thompson †
List of contributors Gail Forey, Geoff Thompson †
Introduction Gail Forey, Geoff Thompson †
The textual metafunction as a site for a discussion of the goals of linguistics and techniques of linguistic analysis Peter Fries
Theme, Subject and the unfolding of text Geoff Thompson †, Susan Thompson
Theme, field and genre: thematic realisations in academic articles and their popularisations John Corbett
Thematic content in peer reviews of scientific papers Hugh Gosden
Text-type and texture: the potential of Theme for the study of research writing development Ann Montemayor-Borsinger
‘to elicit an honest answer – which may occasionally be the same as the truth’: texture, coherence and the antagonistic political interview David Hyatt
Projecting clauses: interpersonal realisation of control and power in workplace texts Gail Forey
What can linguistics tell us about writing skills? Michael Hoey
Multimodal layout in school history books: the texturing of historical interpretation Caroline Coffin, Beverly Derewianka
Texturing interpersonal meanings in academic argument: pulses and prosodies of value Sue Hood
Cultural stereotype and modality: a study into modal use in Brazilian and Portuguese meetings Tony Berber Sardinha, Leila Barbara
Boomer dreaming: the texture of re-colonisation in a lifestyle magazine J.R. Martin
End Matter
Index Gail Forey, Geoff Thompson †

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