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Developing Systemic Functional Linguistics

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This volume presents current views on the achievements made in the study of Systemic Functional Linguistics in both theory and application, and on potential domains and directions for its further development.

The first part looks at strengthening theoretical research and description in system networks and seeks to deepen our understanding of the concept of choice and of the consequences arising from making choices in particular social contexts. It also makes comparisons of different models within SFL and of similarities and differences between SFL and other linguistic models. The second part sums up SFL’s fifty years of refinement as a theory and goes on to offer an explicit definition of Applicable Discourse Analysis, presenting views on the potential areas, methods and criteria for verbal and multimodal discourse analysis, with examples. The final part of the volume discusses potential directions for SFL, including expanding SFL typological research into languages other than English, in countries other than the major English speaking ones, exploring solutions to the challenges faced by multimodal discourse, extending traditional translation studies to other modes; extending stylistics studies across different disciplines; exploring the potential of SFL to tackle the challenges confronting language education at both macro and micro levels; and achieving globalization in SFL across cyberspace.

Published: Feb 1, 2014

Book Contributors

Section Chapter Authors
Preface Jonathan J. Webster, Fang Yan
Acknowledgments Fang Yan, Jonathan J. Webster
1: Theoretical issues in description
1. Language evolving: Some Systemic Functional reflexions on the history of meaning M.A.K. Halliday
2. Beyond redemption: Choice and consequence in youth justice conferencing J.R. Martin, Michele Zappavigna, Paul Dwyer
3. The meaning of function: Syntax in Systemic Functional Linguistics Zhang Delu
4. Systemic linguistic interpretation of constructivism Yan Shiqing
5. The system network for generating expressions of Chinese aspect Yang Guowen
2: Theory and its applications
6. Linguistic sign and the science of linguistics: The foundations of appliability Ruqaiya Hasan
7. Appliable Discourse Analysis Christian Matthiessen
8. Labelling discourse acts: Interpersonal projection across registers Geoff Thompson
9. Modelling ellipsis in EFL classroom discourse Yang Xueyan
10. Genre and appraisal theories in Functional Discourse Analysis – with reference to accounts in Dragon Carving and the Literary Mind Li Zhanzi
11. Analysing the reporting clause in translating Confucius’s Lun Yu (The Analects) Huang Guowen
3: Developing directions
12. Challenges and solutions for multimodal analysis: Technology, theory and practice Bradley A. Smith, Kay L. O'Halloran, Alexey Podlasov, Victor Lim Fei
13. Motivated selection in verbal art, ‘verbal science’, and psychotherapy: When many methods are at one David Butt, Caroline Henderson-Brooks, Alison R. Moore, Russell Meares, Joan Haliburn, Anthony Korner, Roy Eyal
14. Systemic Functional Linguistics in the round: Imagining foreign language education for a global world Heidi Byrnes
15. Systemic Functional Linguistics and Corpus Linguistics: Interconnections and current state Michael O'Donnell
16. Systemic Functional Theory and Cyberspace Eija Ventola
Index Fang Yan, Jonathan J. Webster

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[This volume] has to a great extent brought SFL studies up to date and outlined the major trends in SFL. It is recommended.
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