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Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces

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Ever since Herodotus, it has been observed that Egypt – that is, ancient Egyptian civilisation – was a gift of the Nile. However, only recently have Egyptologists come to appreciate that Egypt was as much a gift of the desert as a gift of the water, at least as regards its very beginnings. To understand the civilisation that originally settled along the Nile Valley and in the Delta, we must study not only the remains of ancient monuments, excavated artefacts and reconstructed texts, but take proper account of the landscape, conditions and environment that shaped Egypt’s culture, religion and ideology. This volume addresses various aspects of how the world was perceived in the minds of Egyptians, and how Egyptians subsequently reshaped their surrounding landscape in harmony with their view of geography and cosmological ideas. Profane landscape and sacred space thus blend into one multi-faceted concept.

Published: Apr 5, 2020


Section Chapter Authors
List of Figures Miroslav Bárta, Jiří Janák
List of Tables Miroslav Bárta, Jiří Janák
Preface Miroslav Bárta, Jiri Janak
Chapter 1
Climate Change, Fishing and the Nile: Changes in Fishing Techniques and Technologies at the End of the Old Kingdom John Burn
Chapter 2
The Pyramid of the Theban Mountain Andrzej Ćwiek
Chapter 3
Some Profane and Sacred Features from Thebes. Hunting Grounds (?) and High Places in the West Bank Andrés Espinel
Chapter 4
Ancient Egyptian Response to the Natural World Linda Evans
Chapter 5
Running with Images: Ritualised Script in the Vogellauf, Rudderlauf and Vasenlauf Jiri Janak
Chapter 6
The Sacred Landscape of Dra Abu el-Naga Ángeles Jiménez-Higueras
Chapter 7
Ancient Egyptians and the Representation of Foreign Landscapes: The Ash-Tree Reconsidered Claudia Kemna
Chapter 8
Visitors’ Graffiti: Traces of a Re-Appropriation of Sacred Spaces and a Demonstration of Literacy in the Landscape Hana Navratilova
Chapter 9
Did Hatshepsut Inherit Djeser-Djeseru? Claire Ollet
Chapter 10
Sacred Places in the Profane Landscapes of Lower Nubia: A Case Study from the Czechoslovak Concessions Lenka Varadzinová (Suková)
Chapter 11
Lake Khufu: On the Waterfront at Giza – Modelling Water Transport Infrastructure in Dynasty IV Mark Lehner
End Matter
Index Miroslav Bárta