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Buddhist Path, Buddhist Teachings

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This collection brings together scholarly contributions relating to the research of Lance Cousins (1942-2015), an influential and prolific scholar of early Buddhism. Cousins' interests spanned several related fields from the study of Abhidhamma and early Buddhist schools to Pāli literature and meditation traditions. As well as being a scholar, Cousins was a noted meditation teacher and founder of the Samatha Trust. The influence of Cousin's scholarship and teaching is felt strongly not only in the UK but in the worldwide Buddhist Studies community.

The volume is introduced by Peter Harvey and the following chapters all speak to the core questions in the field such as the nature of the path, the role of meditation, the formation of early Buddhist schools, scriptures and teachings and the characteristics and contributions of Pāli texts. The volume is of interest to students and scholars in Buddhist Studies, Religious Studies and Asian Studies as well as Buddhist practitioners.

Published: Oct 8, 2019

Book Contributors

Section Chapter Authors
Preface Naomi Appleton, Peter Harvey
1. Lance Cousins: An Obituary, Appreciation and Bibliography Peter Harvey
Meditation and the Buddhist Path
2. The Four Jhānas and their Qualities in the Pali Tradition Peter Harvey
3. Paths of Monastic Practice from India to Sri Lanka: Responses to L.S. Cousins’ Work on Scholars and Meditators Bradley Clough
4. 'I'm Not Getting Anywhere with my Meditation...': Effort, Contentment and Goal-Directedness in the Process of Mind-Training Amaro Bhikkhu
Comparative Mysticism
5. John of the Cross, the Dark Night of the Soul and the Jhānas and the Arūpa States: A Critical Comparative Study Elizabeth Harris
6. Emptiness and Unknowing: An Essay in Comparative Mysticism Rupert Gethin
Interpreting Buddhist Teachings
7. Ambiguity and Ambivalence in Buddhist Treatment of the Dead Richard Gombrich
8. The Alagaddūpama Sutta as a Scriptural Source for Understanding the Distinctive Philosophical Standpoint of Early Buddhism P.D. Premasiri
9. An Ekottarika-āgama Discourse Without Parallels: From Perception of Impermanence to the Pure Land Bhikkhu Analayo
10. Equal-headed (samasīsin): An Abhidharma Innovation and Commentarial Developments Tse-fu Kuan
11. Calligraphic Magic: Abhidhamma Inscriptions from Sukhodaya Peter Skilling
12. The Relation of the Saccasaṅkhepaṭīkā Called Sāratthasālinī to the Vinayavinicchayaṭīkā Called Vinayasāratthasandīpanī Petra Kieffer-Pulz
Schools and Scriptures
13. The Formation of Canons in the Early Indian nikāyas or Schools in the Light of the New Gāndhārī Manuscript Finds Mark Allon
14. Theriya Networks and the Circulation of the Pali Canon in South Asia: The Vibhajjavādins Reconsidered Alex Wynne
15. Yaśodharā in Jātakas Sarah Shaw
16. Jātaka Stories and Paccekabuddhas in Early Buddhism Naomi Appleton
End Matter
Index Naomi Appleton, Peter Harvey