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Book: Buddhist Path, Buddhist Teachings

Chapter: 12. The Relation of the Saccasaṅkhepaṭīkā Called Sāratthasālinī to the Vinayavinicchayaṭīkā Called Vinayasāratthasandīpanī

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.33393


The present contribution suggests the common authorship of three
Pāli commentaries of the twelfth/thirteenth centuries CE, namely
the Vinayavinicchayaṭīkā called Vinayasāratthasandīpanī (less probably
Vinayatthasārasandīpanī), the Uttaravinicchayaṭīkā called Līnatthappakāsanī, and
the Saccasaṅkhepaṭīkā called Sāratthasālinī. The information collected from
these three commentaries themselves and from Pāli literary histories concerning
these three texts leads to the second quarter of the thirteenth century
CE as the period of their origination. The data from parallel texts explicitly
stated to having been written by Vācissara Thera in the texts themselves render
it possible to establish with a high degree of probability Vācissara Thera
as their author.

Chapter Contributors

  • Petra Kieffer-Pulz ([email protected] - pkiefferpulz) 'Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz'