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Mediterranean Resilience

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Mediterranean Resilience examines various forms of adaptation adopted by coastal societies in the ancient Mediterranean in response to external pressures they occasionally experienced. The investigation spans the longue durée stretching from the epi-paleolithic to the Medieval period. Special attention is given to the impact of two groups of variables: climate and sea level changes on the one hand, and fluctuations in political circumstances connected with the domination of empires, on the other hand. For adaptation, the volume analyses modes of coastal residence, subsistence, and maritime connectivity, not as a static feature, constant throughout history, but as a process that requires permanent adjustments due to changes in environmental, social and political conditions. Methodologically, various forms of case studies are employed, isolating thematic issues, geographic micro-regions, temporal boundaries, and disciplinary perspectives, ultimately seeking to embrace as wide an array of phenomena as possible in the human experience of collapse and adaptation.

Published: Feb 22, 2024

Book Contributors


Section Chapter Authors
List of Figures and Tables Assaf Yasur-Landau, Gil Gambash, Thomas Levy
Preface Assaf Yasur-Landau, Gil Gambash, Thomas Levy
Chapter 1
Introduction: Mediterranean Resilience, Collapse, and Adaptation in Antique Maritime Societies Assaf Yasur-Landau, Gil Gambash, Thomas Levy
Chapter 2
Micro-geoarchaeology: An Essential Component in the Detection and Decipherment of Resilience, Collapse, and Adaptation Ruth Shahack-Gross
Chapter 3
A Multi-Method Approach for Studying Environmental-Human Interaction: A Case Study from Dor, the Carmel Coast in Israel Gilad Shtienberg, Michael Lazar
Chapter 4
The Maritime Neolithic: An Evaluation of Marine Adaptation in Eastern Mediterranean Prehistory Chelsea Wiseman
Chapter 5
The Early Bronze I Coastal Settlements of Israel: A New Phenomenon or Part of a Long-Lived Settlement Tradition? Roey Nickelsberg, Ruth Shahack-Gross, Assaf Yasur-Landau
Chapter 6
Cypriot Pottery as an Indicator of Adaptive Trade Networks Brigid Clark
Chapter 7
The Collapse of the Mycenaean Palaces Revisited Philipp Stockhammer
Chapter 8
A 12th-Century BCE Shipwreck Assemblage Containing Copper Ingots, from Neve-Yam, Israel Ehud Galili, Dafna Langgut, Ehud Arkin Shalev, Baruch Rosen, Naama Yahalom-Mack, Isaac Ogloblin Ramirez, Assaf Yasur-Landau
Chapter 9
The Collapse of Cultures at the End of the Late Bronze Age in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean: New Developments, Punctuated Equilibrium, and Further Questions Eric Cline
Chapter 10
Anthropogenic Erosion from Hellenistic to Recent Times in the Northern Gulf of Corinth, Greece Katrina Cantu, Richard Norris, George Papatheodorou, Ioannis Liritzis, Dafna Langgut, Maria Geraga, Thomas Levy
Chapter 11
Cultural Resilience in the Hellenistic Southern Levant Eleonora Bedin
Chapter 12
Negev Fragility and Mediterranean Prosperity in Late Antiquity Gil Gambash
Chapter 13
Collapses and Renascences: What the Maya and the Old World Have in Common Geoffrey Braswell
End Matter
Index Assaf Yasur-Landau, Gil Gambash, Thomas Levy


This book is a largely useful volume encompassing many different periods while remaining focused on the effects of crises on various societies, yet not necessarily only coastal ones. Furthermore, the book is well balanced between investigative chapters presenting new information and chapters reviewing the available literature. The quality of research in most of the chapters is generally high. All in all, this volume is a worthy addition to the corpus on coastal societies’ adaptation to crises.