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Ritual, Personhood and the New Animism

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Graham Harvey’s work — from his early publications on British Pagans, his pioneering work on New Animism to most recently the everyday relational model of religion presented in Food, Sex and Strangers — has had an impact on fields as diverse as environmentalism, ritual, indigenous religion, folklore, and beyond academia. Yet there is a clear through-line, as this volume suggests, a concern with personhood, communication and community which bridges the lived religion approach with emerging network- and rhizome-based theoretical models.

Harvey has also impacted the field through the growing network of former students and other early career students who have benefited from his support, directly or through the Open University or the British Association for the Study of Religion, and the many scholars with whom he has produced collaborative works. The contributors of this volume are drawn from these networks, to consider and celebrate Graham’s contributions to the contemporary study of religion.

Published: Sep 15, 2025

Section Chapter Authors
Chapter 1
Introduction: Live in Fragments No More Paul-Francois Tremlett, David Robertson
Chapter 2
In Search of Ceremony: Dialogues with Indigeneity and Graham Harvey at the ORIGINS Festival Michael Walling
Chapter 3
Indigenous Tourism: A Perfect Site for ‘Guesthood’ Research? Helen Jennings
Chapter 4
‘Guesthood’ as a Scientific Method: Principles Supporting Relational Research James Cox
Chapter 5
Harebrained? Michael Houseman
Chapter 6
Spirit Possession and Trance as Humpty Dumpty words: Reflection on Adjusted Styles of Communication Bettina Schmidt
Chapter 7
The Ritual Use of Plants in the Caribbean Christina Welch
Chapter 8
The Animacy of Fire and Personhood of Plants in Land Restoration Sarah Pike
Chapter 9
Exhibitionism: Animism, Kinship and Conservation at Science and Art Museums around the World Bron Taylor
Chapter 10
Rituals, Wood, Bone, and Stone: Material Approaches to Indigenous Religions Amy Whitehead