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Book: Codes of Conduct

Chapter: “From Racial Profiling to Facebook Profiles: Hoods, Hoodies, and Keeping It Real in a Virtual World”

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.24866


Wrapped up in the social fervor surrounding Trayvon Martin’s murder, Facebook and other online outlets were inundated with pictures of people wearing hoodies in a show of solidarity for the victims of racial profiling. Real life social problems were met with virtual appeals to authenticity. What was happening here as so many people cutting across social identities proclaimed support for one of those identities? Was the hoodie episode emblematic of a code switch? Do the hoodies of Facebook have any impact on the ’hoods where codes and their breaches are often met with violence as likely from police as vigilantes? And what does this episode suggest about the social maintenance of codes and whose codes count?

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