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Book: Semantics

Chapter: 2. Lexical semantics

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.26432


Chapter 2 explores lexical semantics, the branch of semantics which deals

with the meanings of words. The aim is to show how the lexicon is organized,

how the words of a language are interrelated and how their meanings are consequently

interpreted. The chapter addresses two concerns. One relates to terminology.

It introduces the terms used in the study of lexical semantics and

defines them in a way that is both concise and precise. The other pertains to

relation. It introduces the meaning relations which exist between words. The

chapter is organized as follows. Section 2.1 focuses on the issue of what the

term word is and what word meaning is. Section 2.2 centres on the types of

paradigmatic relations which exist between words. Section 2.3 concentrates

on the types of syntagmatic relations which exist between words. Section

2.4 combines both paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations in the description

of words. In all the sections, I pursue three steps. First, I introduce the term.

Second, I explain its meaning. Third, I devise an exercise to test its application.

Section 2.5 summarizes the main points of the chapter.

Chapter Contributors

  • Zeki Hamawand ([email protected] - book-auth-217) 'University of Kirkuk and University of Sulaimani'