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Book: Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías

Chapter: Episodios relacionados con la lengua según el tipo de interlocutor en la comunicación mediada por computadores [Language Related Episodes and Interloctutor Type in CMC]

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.27992


Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) is currently used in Second and Foreign Language classroom because of its benefits for language acquisition. However, research in CMC is still scarce. In this chapter, we try to corroborate previous findings (Bueno-Alastuey 2013) analysing data from a previous interaction between the same interlocutors (three types of dyads: NNS-NNS same L1, NNS-NNS different L1, and NNS –NS). Five of the six research hypotheses based on our previous work were confirmed. The partnership with NNS with different L1 was confirmed as the most beneficial in terms of Language Related Episodes, quantity and type of negative feedback and quantity of modified morphosyntactic and phonetic output.

Chapter Contributors

  • M. Camino Bueno-Alastuey ([email protected] - 1camino_bueno1) 'Public University of Navarre '