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Book: Semantics

Chapter: 5. Conceptual structures

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.29001


Chapter 5 discuses the central roles in language assigned to conceptual structures,

namely knowledge representations which pertain to the organization of

conceptsin the human conceptualsystem.The chapterincludesthree sections.

Section 5.1 defines the conceptual system and highlights its role in reflecting

language. Section 2 enumerates forms of conceptual structure. Section 5.2.1

covers metaphor, whereby something is compared to something else which

has the same characteristics. Section 5.2.2 concerns metonymy, whereby

something is substituted by something else which is closely connected with

it. Section 5.2.3 pertains to image schemas, abstract patterns which derive

from our everyday interaction in the world and provide the basis for more

richly detailed lexical concepts. Section 5.2.4 relates to mental spaces,

knowledge patterns containing specific kinds of information and constructed

for interpretive purposes. Section 5.2.5 explains blending, whereby selected

elements from two mental spaces are incorporated in a third space, the blend.

In all the sections, I pursue three steps. First, I elaborate on the essence of

the conceptual structure. Second, I touch upon its properties. Third, I present

its patterns. For each conceptual structure, I devise exercises to validate its

application. Section 5.3 summarizes the main points of the chapter.

Chapter Contributors

  • Zeki Hamawand ([email protected] - book-auth-217) 'University of Kirkuk and University of Sulaimani'