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Book: Suffixal Rivalry in Adjective Formation

Chapter: Domain interaction

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.29335


This chapter investigates the role of multiple domains in the semantic interpretation of composite expressions. It attempts to substantiate the CS principle that the meanings of expressions can evoke different domains for their interpretation. Applying this principle to morphology, I argue that the meanings of an adjective pair can be identified through the domains they activate. Each meaning is realised by means of a specific suffix, which evokes an appropriate domain. Each suffix represents a particular construal imposed by the speaker on the content of the root with which it combines. To that end, the chapter is structured as follows. Section 1 introduces the notions of conceptual content and construal. Section 2 presents the notion of multiple domains, with emphasis laid on its implications and relevance to suffixation. Section 3 explains interaction between suffixes belonging to different de-verbal domains. Section 4 probes interaction between suffixes belonging to different de-nominal domains. Section 5 investigates interaction between suffi xes belonging to both de-verbal and de-nominal domains.

Chapter Contributors

  • Zeki Hamawand ( - book-auth-217) 'University of Kirkuk and University of Sulaimani'