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Book: Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías

Chapter: Direcciones de investigación de la CMT para la del aprendizaje y enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras y segundas lenguas [Directions of CMC for Foreign and Second Language Teaching and Learning Research]

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.32389


Extending the research gathered in the book, this chapter proposes four areas in which future research can help the field of CMT-mediated language learning and teaching achieve a larger scope and impact: (1) the systematic examination of digital and affective benefits in addition to linguistic benefits, (2) greater attention to primary and secondary school contexts, beyond the present focus on university contexts, (3) the inclusion of questions of social justice and equity by considering new digital divides that are created by socioeconomic differences, immigration flows that engender human diversity in schools, and diverse learners with differences in physical and/or cognitive abilities, and (4) investigation of the impact of bridges and connections between technology in the language classroom and in the outside world. Venturing into these four directions in the study of technology for foreign language teaching and learning, it is argued, can sustain growth in transformative and innovative uses of technology for the kinds of language learning that can become a human and social asset in today’s multilingual world.

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