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Book: Key Terms for Language Teachers

Chapter: Interaction and Negotiation of Meaning

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.38037


• Language instructors and L2 learners should interact with each other in a language task. The role of the instructor is the one who designs the task and encourages participation and contribution from L2 learners. Learners’ role is to share responsibility in interaction and task completion. By providing a series of tasks to complete we encourage learners to take responsibility for generating the information themselves rather than just receiving it;
• Language instructors should reduce their speaking time in class and increase learner’s speaking time;
• Language instructors should ask eliciting questions in order to prompt L2 learners to interact with NS and NNS;
• Language instructors should give learners positive feedback. They should indicate positive signs when interacting;
• Language instructors should provide L2 learners with a rich environment where meaningful communication takes place.

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