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Book: Key Terms for Language Teachers

Chapter: Language Teaching Method

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.38044


The Grammar Translation Method focuses on developing the ability for L2 learners to read a text in another language and to translate that text from one language into another. The Direct Method focuses on providing L2 learners with the opportunity to use the target language to express meaning. The Audio-Lingual Method makes use of memorization and mechanical and pattern drills practice to develop L2 learners’ language skills. The Total Physical Response Method focuses on developing practices that improves first L2 learners’ ability in listening and reading before speaking and writing skills. The Natural Approach argues that L2 learners should be exposed to comprehensible and message-oriented input, and that language teaching should not be built around grammatical or vocabulary units but instead themes or topics. The Communicative Language Teaching Approach represents a philosophy of teaching that is based on communicative language use. It emphasizes notional-functional concepts and communicative competence, rather than grammatical structures, as central to language teaching. The Content and Language Integrated Learning is an approach in language education designed to provide L2 learners instruction in content and language. Task-Based Language Teaching focuses on asking students to undertake meaningful tasks using the target language.

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