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Book: The Buddha's Path of Peace

Chapter: 8. Right Mindfulness: Anchor & Buoy Model

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.39407


This chapter begins with an account of ‘watchfulness’, and an exercise. This is an entrée into fully-fledged mindfulness. Then we find that concentration and mindfulness may be practically integrated in what the author calls ‘The Anchor & Buoy Model’ of meditation. Here too an important and dynamic exercise called ‘The Body Scan’ enlivens the mindfulness of body. The reader is shown the utility of observing the so-called ‘distractions’ during breathing meditation, which are in fact our ‘teachers’, beginning with a simple self-categorization of ‘thinking past’, ‘thinking present’, and ‘thinking future’. Here, learning by ‘insight’ is explained as a critical step on the Path to Peace.

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