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Key Concepts in Systemic Functional Linguistics

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Books in the series Key Concepts in Systemic Functional Linguistics provide monographic treatments of core theoretical concepts within Systemic Functional Linguistics, together with coverage of more recent concerns in Systemic Functional Linguistic theory and important areas of application and trans-disciplinary collaboration. Each monograph is organised around a description of the historical factors that led to the emergence of the concept within Systemic Functional Linguistics and a detailed theoretical description of the concept within the overall architecture of the theory. Authors in this series are encouraged to explore any perceived inconsistencies, ambiguities or omissions and to illustrate the connections and divergences between Systemic Functional Linguistics and other functional linguistic theories/schools. Each author brings their own personal observations of how Systemic Functional Linguistics will develop as a theory with respect to the particular concept and provides a critical analysis of the topic with the object of stimulating further discussion and ongoing research. Because each monograph is typically no more than 60,000 words, the series provides an accessible but comprehensive account of some the most important and potentially contentious concepts in Systemic Functional Linguistics. As such the series is an invaluable source for advanced undergraduates, postgraduates and established academics working with SFL or with other functional theories as well as researchers working in cognate disciplines. Topics covered by this series include: Function System Context Strata The Experiential Metafunction: transitivity and ergativity The Interpersonal Metafunction: subject, mood and modality The Textual Metafunction: textuality and information structure/including intonation The Logical Metafunction: structural and semantic complexes Register Discourse Semantics Typology Metaphor Word Phonology Literacy Lexis and Phraseology Generic Structure Potential Individuation Stylistics Attitude and Stance Exchange Structure Cohesion and Ellipsis Multimodality Mind, Brain and Socialisation Language Learning SFL and Sociolinguistics SFL and (C)DA SFL and Corpus Linguistics SFL and Computational Linguistics SFL and Mixed Methods – statistics, eye-tracking and key stroke logging