Item Details

The Kindergarten Early Language Intervention (KELI) Program: Multiculturalism in action

Issue: Vol 9 No. 1 (2018)

Journal: Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders

Subject Areas: Linguistics

DOI: 10.1558/jircd.34814


The Kindergarten Early Language Intervention (KELI) Program is an innovative program designed to provide early oral language intervention for young students from schools with high socio-economic needs, in order to prevent or alleviate literacy, academic, and social problems. The KELI Program is provided in addition to the regular kindergarten class for students who have not been formally identified for special education services. The program is based on social-pragmatic theory and research indicating that children develop oral language through natural social interactions in meaningful situations, and incorporates an intercultural orientation. The KELI Program has proven itself to be a strength-based, innovative, dynamic, and successful language intervention program that is responsive to the cultural and linguistic needs of diverse students. This article presents the rationale for the development of the program, description of the program, results of program evaluation, and suggestions for implementation of a similar initiative.

Author: Fern Westernoff, Theresa Young, Joanne Shimotakahara

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