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Transitions, Urbanism, and Collapse in the Bronze Age

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In recognition of the significant contribution that Suzanne Richard has made to the archaeology of the Early Bronze Age in the southern Levant, this Festschrift represents the best of scholarship in her areas of interest and publication in the field. Professor Richard is known for her work on the Early Bronze Age, especially the EB III-IV. Her first major articles (BASOR 1980; BA 1987) are still standard references in the field. More recently, she is concerned with interconnectivity, social organization in rural periods, and urban-rural transitions in the Levant in the fourth and third millennia BCE in particular.

With an international cadre of leading scholars, the volume reflects recent scholarship on the nature of Bronze Age urbanism and cultural transitions at key junctures. The volume is an important contribution to the field of late 4th through the 2nd millennia BCE.

Published: Nov 8, 2021

Book Contributors

Section Chapter Authors
List of Figures William Dever, Jesse Long, Jr.
List of Tables William Dever, Jesse Long, Jr.
Preface and Acknowledgements William Dever, Jesse Long, Jr.
1. Suzanne Richard: An Appreciation William Dever, Jesse Long, Jr.
Suzanne Richard Publications William Dever, Jesse Long, Jr.
2. Diet, Drink, and Death: The Transition from the Intermediate Bronze Age to the Middle Bronze Age in the Southern Levant Susan Cohen
3. Urbanism, Collapse and Transitions: Considerations on the EB III/IV and the EB IV/MB I Nexuses in the Southern Levant Marta D'Andrea
4. The MB II-LB I Transition in North Inner Syria: A Difficult Horizon Frances Pinnock
5. Changes in the Architectural Fabric of Hazor’s Lower City from the Middle Bronze to the Late Bronze Shlomit Bechar
6. A Royal Palace in Transition: The Functions of the Archaic Palace of Ebla in Its Historical Context Paolo Matthiae
The Early Bronze Age and Urbanism
7. EBI and Early Urbanism in Jordan: New Lights on a Formative Period from Jebel Mutawwaq Andrea Polcaro
8. The Lower Jordan Valley, Southern Ghors and Wadi Arabah: A Case for Urban Life in Jordan in the Third Millennium BC Zeidan Kafafi
9. "Show Me How You Bury Your People": Dolmens, Burials and Social Development in the Early Bronze Age Susanne Kerner
10. The Political Economy of Early Bronze Age Copper Production at Khirbat Hamra Ifdan (Jordan): Implications for Southern Levantine Urbanism Aaron Gidding, Thomas Levy
11. The Early Bronze Age in the Southern Levant, A View from Tell Halif Joe Seger
Early Bronze IV
12. EB IV Community in the Upper Wadi Zarqa, North Central Jordan: Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives Khalid Douglas
13. EB IV Settlement, Chronology and Society along the Jordan Rift Steven Falconer, Patricia Fall
14. On the Edge of the Valley: The Wadi Hammeh and the Hinterland of Pella in the EB IV Period Melissa Kennedy, Stephen Bourke
15. Testing the Statistical EB IV Ceramic Study: New Excavations in Area C at Khirbat Iskandar Stanley Holdorf
16. The EB IV Household Architecture of Phase A in Area B at Khirbat Iskandar Shelby Green, Jesse Long, Jr.
17. A Survey of the EB IV Presence in Jordan Burton MacDonald
18. Storage Jars and Storerooms in Palace G at Ebla (EBIV A): The Foodstuffs of the Last Days of Life of an Early Syrian Capital Stefania Mazzoni
19. The EB IV / Intermediate Bronze Age at Batrawy and Jericho: Post-urban vs. Proto-urban Lorenzo Nigro
20. The Madaba Settlement Cluster and the Nature of Early Bronze Age Urbanism in the Central Highlands of Jordan Stanley Klassen, Timothy Harrison
21. Black Wheelmade Ware in Lebanon: A View from the North Hermann Genz, Kamal Badreshany, Mathilde Jean
22. One Potter, Multiple Clay Body Types Gloria London
End Matter
Subject and Author Index William Dever, Jesse Long, Jr.
Sites and Places Index William Dever, Jesse Long, Jr.