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Collaborative AI

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Collaborative AI: Artificial Intelligence, Expertise, and Pedagogy in CALL Research and Practice aims to equip ELT practitioners with critical tools and professional practices for thriving in an AI-rich world. The book offers insights into integrating AI into the classroom in pedagogically responsible ways that enhance student learning and success.

The primary focus is helping ELT practitioners understand AI's potential and pedagogical role, illustrating how it can be combined with their expertise for effective teaching across diverse contexts. This guide discusses AI-driven tools and strategies, showcasing innovative ways to augment classroom experiences while maintaining the essential human touch.

In addition to instructional focus, Collaborative AI explores the development of classroom and institutional policies surrounding AI implementation. Addressing professional anxieties, the book provides practical advice for creating responsible, ethical, and inclusive guidelines that ensure the effective integration of AI technologies into ELT practices.

Bridging the gap between technology and pedagogy, Collaborative AI empowers educators and administrators to harness AI's benefits while maintaining a student-centered approach, fostering an environment where human expertise and artificial intelligence harmoniously shape the future of English language education.

Published: Jun 1, 2026